Old World Finish for a Vintage Highboy
I used a Paint Pixie Chalk Paintbrush , a chip brush and a misting bottle
After I cleaned the piece really well, I started with black
Starting with Black I dipped the tip of my Paint pixie brush in the paint then I applied the paint by stippling ..what is stippling ?
the art or process of drawing, painting, or engraving using numerous small dots or specks.
I continued the same technique with each color, using the same brush and overlapping the colors
I used the blue and white sparingly, I used the white more along the edges and around the detail
continue this all over the entire dresser , then you want to spray the entire piece with a mister, use your chip brush now to blend any colors that stand out too much ..you can buy a mister here https://www.amazon.com/Driew-Cleaning-Solution-Gardening-Trigger/dp/B07MVZWYFM/ref=sr_1_5?crid=388CIRJKNM1YV&keywords=spray+bottle+mister+for+plants&qid=1580908555&sprefix=spray+bottle+mister+%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-5
let your piece dry for about an hour then use sand paper, fine or medium grit and sand the entire piece, more around the edges.
up close this is what your piece will look like , after you have sanded wipe it down really well and get all of the dust off..now you want to use your Debis Design Diary Clear wax
next I painted the hardware with Spanish Copper RUB N BUFF
next I painted the hardware with Spanish Copper RUB N BUFF. Here he is all in his new glory
Here is the YOU TUBE video